Today Brides Up North is at Bridal Gathering! Pop in and say hello! You could be one of the next Brides Up North Real Brides!
Whilst you enjoy your Sunday fry up, indulge in some blogosphere goodness on the side. The best of the rest this week…
Super cool Shoreditch House wedding via OMG I’m Getting Married
There’s bowling and a fingerprint tree guest book involved. Quirky works.
Gorgeous countryside wedding via Rock My Wedding
Ah young love! Rural romance gets me every time. And check out those AMAZING bridesmaid gowns.
Southern charm via Snippet and Ink
Why don’t we have homes (and weather!) like this in Leeds?
A cool and kooky Alice in Wonderland engagement shoot via Whimsical Wonderland Weddings
Brides Up North wants to know if the groom grew that beard especially?! More tea vicar?
Simply beautiful styled shoot via Style Me Pretty
Now this is one absolutely stunning dress! Possibly my favourite yet. Just D.I.V.I.N.E… and a perfect way to start a Sunday in Springtime!
Have a very very good one my lovelies…
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