So much thought goes into what you and your girls are wearing on your wedding day, but make sure that your groom isn’t forgotten! Ties.com are giving away five silk ties for your man and his ushers.
The winner is…
April 30, 2011 | I am having major trouble finding a tie that matches the colour of my bridesmaid dresses. I have spotted the perfect colour with these ties and would love to win this.
Well done Sophie! You are going to be very popular with the boys. Please contact Brides Up North to claim your prize.
Huge thanks once again to all of my Featured Suppliers and amazing Wedding Industry superstars for supporting the Brides Up North Right Royal Giveaway Bonanza so wholeheartedly and donating some mind blowing prizes. On behalf of myself and all my readers, you are fabulous:
Hannah Dornford May Photography
Check back here tomorrow to find out if you won your wedding photography with super snapper Assassynation. Exciting times!
Brides Up North UK Wedding Blog – Images © 2011 Ties.com
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