Bridal Bootcamp

Brides Up North BOOTCAMP – Week 2: Push It Real Good!

Julia Smith


You might have noticed the special Brides Up North Bootcamp pages in the pink tool bar at the top of the wedding blog.  There, you will find all the resources you need to follow this 12 week plan including recaps of any posts that you have missed.  That way, you can follow the plan at your own pace and start when you want.


So…how was Week 1 on the Brides Up North Bootcamp? You should be feeling energised, a couple of pounds lighter and ready to tackle Week 2!


Jenny from Motive 8 North is back to fight the flab with another high energy instalment.  This gal takes no prisoners!



Brides Up North Wedding Blog: BOOTCAMP



This week you are going to continue using the same exercises so that you can perfect your technique. But to give a greater calorie and fat burn you are going to add more cardiovascular exercises to the workout. Make sure you work as hard as you can during these cardiovascular exercises.  The harder you work the greater the calorie burn… go for it!







Cardio Workout 1


45-60 minute cardio session – work at effort level 7-8. 

Example – Running, cycling, aerobics, spinning, Zumba, gym session.


Cardio Workout 2


Start your session with a 5 minute warm up (see toning workout below) then perform 8-10 x 60 second intervals of maximal intensity work (effort level 9/10), with a 60 second easy recovery in between.


E.g. Find a hill – sprint up it for 60 seconds, then jog or walk back down for 60 seconds, repeat x 10.

In the gym, row fast for 60 seconds, easy row for 60 seconds x 10.


Follow these intervals with 20 minutes of cardiovascular work at 7-8 effort level.


Cardio Workout 3


45-60 minute cardio session – work at effort level 7-8

Example – Running, cycling, aerobics, spinning, Zumba, gym session.








Warm Up:


5 minutes aerobic warm up – i.e. skipping, brisk walking, jogging, etc. The purpose of the warm up is to gradually increase your heart rate to increase oxygen flow to the working muscles.


Main Workout:


If you want a greater calorie and fat burning workout then perform 15-20 minutes of interval training or intense cardiovascular exercise at the start of your workout, if not then go straight into the toning exercises.


Interval Training:


Beginners – 45 seconds fast sprint outside, flat route.  Alternate with 45 seconds recovery walk or jog – repeat x 8


Intermediate – 45 seconds fast hill sprint outside alternate with 45 seconds recovery walk or jog – repeat x 8


Advanced – 45 seconds fast hill sprint outside alternate with 45 seconds recovery walk or jog – repeat x 10



Toning Workout


– Perform all exercises in a pair for the desired number of reps and sets below.

– Work as hard as you can when you perform the cardio exercises.




Toning Reps


Cardio Exercise




30 seconds




45 seconds




60 seconds





1a. Plie Squats.

1b. Press Ups – either on the knees or full press ups.

Repeat 1a then 1b x 2


Cardio Exercise = Step Ups – step up and down as fast as you can on your bottom step. If you live in an apartment perform star jumps!


2a. Stability Ball Squats.

2b. 1 Arm Rows.

Repeat 2a then 2b x 2


Cardio Exercise = Star Jumps – land with your heels flat on the floor. Lift the arms to shoulder level. If this is too hard perform ½ stars.


3a. Alternating Lunges.

3b. Lateral Raises.

Repeat 3a then 3b x 2


Cardio Exercise = Skipping – go for it! If you don’t have a skipping rope then use an imaginary rope!


4a. Walking Lunges.

4b. Stability Ball Bicep Curls – NEW EXERCISE.

Repeat 4a then 4b x 2


Cardio Exercise = Shadow Boxing – jab, jab, jab on the spot or Step Ups!


5a. Stability Ball Leg Curls.

5b. Stability Ball Tricep Overhead Extensions – NEW EXERCISE.

Repeat 5a then 5b x 2



Cardio Exercise = Step Ups or Star Jumps – work as hard as you can!



For demonstrations of all the exercises see Week 1 (or all the exercise are explained HERE).  The two new exercises are explained below. 



Stability Ball Bicep Curls


– Sit on a stability ball with the feet shoulder width apart and posture tall.

– You are using the ball to work your core muscles so ensure the ball is not resting on your shins – this is cheating and will not work your core!

– To engage your core lightly draw your belly button in towards your spine, or pretend you have a belt on a notch too tight.

– Hold a pair of dumbbells at the side.

– Curl the dumbbells towards the shoulders, squeezing the biceps as you curl.

– Slowly lower and repeat.



Brides Up North Wedding Blog: BOOTCAMP: Stabilty Ball Bicep Curls



Brides Up North Wedding Blog: BOOTCAMP: Stabilty Ball Bicep Curl



Stability Ball Tricep Overhead Extensions


– Sit on a stability ball with the feet shoulder width apart and posture tall.

– Hold one dumbbell behind the head, arms straight.

– Keeping the upper arms close to the head, bend the elbows lower the dumbbells behind the head.

– Press the arms back up towards the ceiling to straighten the arms and work the triceps.



Brides Up North Wedding Blog: BOOTCAMP: Stabilty Ball Tricep Overhead Extensions



Brides Up North Wedding Blog: BOOTCAMP: Stabilty Ball Tricep Overhead Extensions



top tips





We know you are all busy bees so here are a few tips for fitting in your workouts:


a Make sure you schedule your workouts in your diary and do not let ANYTHING interrupt them, you wouldn’t reschedule an important meeting at work so take the same approach to your workouts (the only genuine reason to cancel is if you are ill or there is an emergency!)


a If you do have to cancel a workout, then make sure you reschedule it for another day that…don’t get into the bad habit of skipping workouts.


a Exercise at a time of day you know fits in with your lifestyle, for example if you know you aren’t great at getting up on a morning then don’t plan to go to the gym before work otherwise you are destined for failure.


a Choose your days wisely too, fit exercise in on less busy days.


a If you find it hard to fit a full 40-60 minute workout into your day then split it down into smaller chunks, a 15 minute circuit before breakfast, 20-30 minute power walk or run at lunch followed by a 15 minute circuit before your evening meal and there you have a 50-60 minute workout!


a Don’t have the time to fit in a workout? Ask yourself…and be honest…how often do you watch TV in the evenings? Looking great in your wedding dress is more important than what’s happening in your favourite soap so ditch the TV and get those trainers on!


Have a great week!



IMPORTANT: Remember to consult your GP before starting any fitness or diet plan.  This eating and exercise plan is provided for guideline purposes only.  Brides Up North and/or Motivate 8 North will not be held responsible in the event of illness or injury.  Brides Up North Bootcamp is entered into completely at your own risk. 



  – Images © 2011 Brides Up North

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