Just For Fun

Wedding Blog Exclusive! An Interview With Britain’s Worst Bride: We Chat To Georgina

Julia Smith



“My biggest wish for married life is to never have to work again – it’s ghastly!”



I have a treat for you today!  Today we chat to the lady behind the wedding video blog that went viral, Anna Morris.  Anna’s creation Georgina has been dubbed Britain’s Worst Bride by the World’s media, including the Huffington Post. 





I’ve been featuring “Georgina’s Wedding Blogs” on these pages every Friday – a hilariously tongue in cheek look at what happens when wedding planning power is placed in the wrong hands.    


In this exclusive interview, granted only to Brides Up North, let’s chat to Georgina about her wedding plans…



Georgina's Wedding Blog by Anna Morris Comedy



Where and when did you get engaged?  Was it a surprise?


Well it wasn’t a surprise because it would have been foolish of Simon not to at some point so it was just a matter of where and when really.


Simon proposed to me while we were at the bedside of his dying great grandmother, Dorothea. It was terribly romantic – I’d had my eye on her family heirloom of a ring from the first moment I’d laid eyes on it! It was far too big of course because she’d withered away quite a lot. It was her dying wish to see Simon engaged, although she wasn’t conscious when he did it. It was so thoughtful of him – but that’s my Simon – terribly thoughtful! The whole family ran in and the children jumped on the 17th century four poster! It was a wonderful moment, even the doctor was in tears!



When and where are you planning to get married?


I’m planning on getting married at a secret location over the summer (although due to some recent unfortunate errors with various suppliers, this may be pushed back). I don’t want to tell you the location in case generic members of the public try and come in or take pictures. I am also negotiating a deal with Hello and Hiyah! Magazines so the details remain a great secret!


All I can tell you is that the venue is very grand and historical, although I was disappointed it didn’t have a moat, so I’m having one built.



Georgina's Wedding Blog by Anna Morris Comedy



Where and when did you first meet?


Simon and I met at work in the city many years ago. We bonded at a work away day when we went clay pigeon shooting and our team won. Simon had a great aim, and he when it rained he leant me his Barbour jacket which I thought was very sweet.



Where did you go on your first date? Was it true love right from the start?


Our first date was very normal I suppose. We went to Prince Harry’s birthday party, after dining at Annabels. Yes I think I realised it was something like love or relief when his driver picked us up at the end of the night.



When did you know that he was the one?


When I first visited his family estate and his Mother gave us our own set of keys to the Barbados house.



Georgina's Wedding Blog by Anna Morris Comedy



What do you love most about each other?


I’d say Simon loves my hair the most – no extensions, it’s all real and very thick. My family have a history of very thick, solid hair and Simon loves it when I wear it down. He also often tells me he loves my ‘english rose’ skin, and my taste in soft furnishings.


What do love most about Simon? I love how passive he is.



What are his/ hers most annoying little habits?


Simon is often late or forgets things! Like looking at wedding venues – I had 6 booked in per week through the spring and he forgot almost every single one!


I don’t have any annoying habits.



Georgina's Wedding Blog by Anna Morris Comedy



What is your biggest wish for married life?


To never have to work again – it’s ghastly.



Tell us more about your wedding plans?


The colour scheme is ‘insipid gold’ – I don’t think you can go wrong with that. The staff will be spray painted gold, as well as 100 doves which we’ll release after dinner.



What about your wedding dress and accessories? What have you chosen? What will your bridesmaids wear?


Well originally the wedding dress was supposed to be layered with gold leaf with a corset made out of gold, but we realised it as too heavy and may have caused my ribs to break, so I’m still looking! I have a shortlist of 23 now.


I’m still auditioning for bridesmaids, but I’ll probably make them wear grey or beige – something weak and insignificant.



Georgina's Wedding Blog by Anna Morris Comedy



What about the details?


We’re going for a giant ice sculpture of me as the centre-piece of the foyer, Katherine Jenkins will be singing ‘You’re Beautiful’ by James Blunt as I walk down the aisle, favours will be a framed photo of Simon and I, and an iPad.



Where are you planning on going on honeymoon?


Simon and I will be going on separate honeymoons due to his work and my charity commitments. He’ll be going to Thailand, and I’ll be going to the Po Po Luxury Spa resort in the Maldives.



Why did you start your wedding blog? Are you enjoying making your films?


I started the wedding blogs because I thought other Brides could perhaps benefit from my tips, and ideas. I also thought it would be a bit of escapism for generic members of the public who seem to enjoy ‘reality shows’. I also think I’m very photogenic and although I could have been a very successful model or actress, I chose to concentrate of more serious pursuits, so this is a bit of fun!



Georgina's Wedding Blog by Anna Morris Comedy



What has the public response been like?


Wonderful, apart from a few jealous people who have accused me of being self-obsessed or spoilt. It’s not my fault they can’t afford a half a million pound wedding!



Now, let’s meet the lady behind Britain’s Worst Bride, comedian Anna Morris. 


Anna says: I had wanted to create a universally recognisable character for a long time. Most of my previous characters had been a bit surreal. Last year, I overheard a conversation in a café of someone very posh having a go at the waiter, in a very passive aggressive way.  The character of Georgina just popped into my head, and she wouldn’t leave me alone. I wanted to see how she’d react at a wedding, if she had a speech to make and if everything had gone wrong… and it just fell out onto the page! Then I started performing it at gigs and it god a good reaction, and I really enjoyed it. I refer to the audience members individually and thank them for their ‘help’ as if they are guests at a wedding.


I then decided to put together a 1 hour show featuring Georgina, and 5 other brand new characters. The rest of them are quite different to her, and all compliment each other very well. It’s a very fun, varied show.


Anna’s show, Dolly Mixture, is previewing in London on 30th/31st July, 8pm at the Camden Fringe, and then it will be on at the Edinburgh Festival, 4-25th August at the Voodoo Rooms, West Register Street at 3.55pm. 


Camden tickets can be brought here, and Edinburgh is free – just turn up!



  – Images of Georgina “wedding planning” by © 2012 Awet Woldermariam supplied by Anna Morris Comedy 

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