BUN Wedding Exhibition
real wedding recap: martina liana for a luxurious wedding at lartington hall – stefanie & jason
It’s holiday season here on the blog, and as the editorial team take a short break, we’ll be leaving you with a reduced blogging schedule so that you still get Continue Reading
North West Fair
visit the north west wedding fair with brides up north!
I’m extremely excited to be reprising my role as official blogger for The North West Wedding Fair for the fifth time this spring! Whilst our own events are bespoke, exclusive and Continue Reading
Barcelona Bridal Week
hola! #barcelonabridalweek
If you follow Brides Up North over on Facebook, Twitter or (especially) Instagram, you can’t have failed to notice that I’ve been getting a leetle bit ridiculously excited about being in Continue Reading
Guest Blog
style profile: bespoke bride
image by Laura Power Photography As we head full steam into the summer months ahead we’re hoping the British weather is going to be kind to us so that we Continue Reading
Style Profile
style profile: rock n roll bride
image by Shell De Mar Photography In the world of fashion there are those that lead, those that follow and those that don’t give a royal stuff what everyone else Continue Reading
on air.
Interrupting our usual blogging schedule to bring you this special broadcast… Following our plus one debate on the wedding blog last Friday, we were invited to join the argument over guest Continue Reading
UK Wedding Blog
welcome rachel (but this time it’s serious).
If you’re a long term reader of the wedding blog, chances are you’ll have seen the name Rachel Parry pop up a few (hundred) times. If you recognise this pretty Continue Reading
the fixer.
Stills snapped from The Fixer, 10/02/15, BBC2 So, tonight at around 20:45 hours, we had a little bit of a server crash here on these pretty pages. I hadn’t forgotten to renew Continue Reading
the wedding industry awards 2015
I’m just looking in this afternoon as I’m off to London in a whirl of sequins to attend the first major industry event in my calendar this year – The Continue Reading
2015, Unveiled.
I’m crazy excited to welcome readers old and new (hey, if you just popped a ring on your finger – congratulations!- you are in the right place) to these pretty Continue Reading
UK Wedding Blog
happy holidays!
Image via Studio DIY Things move pretty quickly here on these pages – with a double dose of wedding loveliness every weekday – so it’s rare that we ever get Continue Reading
Just For Fun
tinsel time. julia’s christmas picks
There’s absolutely no doubt about it that the big day is drawing near – cue an afternoon spent dashing round the shops like a headless chicken, toddler in tow, as Continue Reading