1 Have you been bitten by The Wedding Bug?
2 There’s more!
3 A record attendance at our beautiful Wedding Exclusive at The Mansion
4 And the sun was shining on us too!
5 Say hello to my little friend!
6 Rainbow cranes for a village hall celebration
7, 8, 9, 10 Practising my camera skills at the Caroline Castigliano event at Lace Bridal (stunning)
11 My beautiful gown by Phil Woodhead for The North Of England Wedding Awards
12 Relaxing at the end of a surprisingly hard day shooting on location in Cyprus for Thomson Weddings
13 Primping and preening before taking to the stage
14 My office is a Yo Sushi between exciting meetings in Manchester City Centre
15 They are multiplying!
16, 17 Stunning displays and busy shows at The Mansion and Rise Hall
18 Allerton Castle or Downton Abbey?
19 Another column in Wedding Magazine
20, 21 Little surprises for my brides and goody bag chaos at Brides Up North HQ
22, 23, 24 Stunningly dressed venues at Rise Hall, Allerton Castle and Nostell Priory for our shows
25 Ready to enter the spotlight at The North Of England Wedding Awards
26 And a pretty table to relax at afterwards!
27 More goody bag mayhem ahead of our massive Super Showcase event
28 Column inches…
29 Bliss. .
It’s been a while since we delved behind the scenes here at Brides Up North, so I thought that a catch up post was well overdue. There have been quite a few ‘developments’ here at Brides Up North HQ over the past few months… not least a sell out season of super successful Brides Up North wedding exhibitions, becoming the host of the inaugural North of England Wedding Awards, adding new talent to the team in the form of a brand new regular guest blogger and a full time member of support staff (hello Kate!), more fabulous Featured Suppliers joining the Northern Revolution and swelling our ranks, many meetings about brand new Brides Up North projects in 2013 and some very exciting new venues for some huge wedding shows next year. All whilst maintaining and (I think) improving upon our daily schedule of twice a day wedding inspiration, features and a real variety of stunning Real Weddings. Oh, and a growing baby bump…
It’s been one helluva ride!
As you do, I tend to take pictures of the *fun stuff* rather than the hours days spent hunched over VAT returns, contracts and spread sheets, but that’s what a wedding blog is all about isn’t it? The fun stuff… and as it would appear, the use of a great under eye concealer to mask all those very late nights and almost as early mornings that go into making a growing business a success.
I’m also pleased to report that whilst all this has been going on, our exhibition attendances and blog hits have been reaching new record highs (that’s what it’s all about after all!) and that Brides Up North is happily sitting right up there at the very top of the charts with the other top wedding blog names for Great Britain popularity rankings on Alexa.com. The Northern Revolution is in full swing!
When I look back at how much fun it’s been, how much this brand has achieved and where I hope I can take it in 2013, it’s all worth it! Some exciting times are coming up…
I hope you enjoy this peek into my World!
Brides Up North UK Wedding Blog – Images © 2012 Brides Up North – by iPhone and iPad
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