Brides to be, some dates for your diaries if I may!
After just closing a super successful and inspirational Autumn season of Brides Up North events (we do do ‘em best, even if I do say so myself), I can’t believe that we are already looking ahead to 2013 here at Brides Up North HQ. My inbox is already absolutely awash with enquiries from the regions’ best wedding suppliers, reserving their places at what look set to be an absolutely smashing series of Brides Up North shows in the New Year - I think I might be up until the early hours this evening! I can’t wait to get planning, and to see you – my lovely readers – at one or more of our events. Do say hello if you see me!
You know I’ll be reminding you about each and every one of these fabulous dates nearer the time, so for now, just mark ‘em in that calendar, and get on with browsing the rest of the pretty I have coming up for you on these pages. There’s a lot of it…
If you are a wedding supplier reader (*waves hello!*) you can find out more or request a booking form by email me julia@bridesupnorth.co.uk – we are working through your enquiries as fast as we possibly can. The sooner the better to register your interest, we work on a first come, first served basis and strictly limit our suppliers by category. Watch out for a few more dates and venues being announced soon too! I can’t wait to add some new regional talents to add to our amazing supplier database in 2013.
Roll on the Northern Revolution in 2013! Yee-hah!
Brides Up North UK Wedding Blog – Image © 2012 Brides Up North
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