BUN Wedding Exhibition

splendid sundays…

Julia Smith

NP Autumn 2014

bride to be?

We’re giving away up to 150 free Bride To Be goody bags, filled with glossy magazines, treats from Brides Up North, exclusive offers and some little pressies from our sponsors.  As demand is high, to pick up your VIP bag all you need to do is pre-register using the form below.

While stocks last only.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Select the event that you wish to attend (required)

    Number of people attending the event (including yourself) (required)

    join the northern revolution

    Would you like to see your real wedding, love story, styled shoot, forthcoming event or wedding business featured on Loved Up North? Contact Loved Up North for real wedding and features submissions or details of our sponsorship packages.

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