Wedding Diet

How to Lose Weight for Your Wedding – A Wedding Diet from a Bride Who Did It

Julia Smith


I hardly ever do very personal posts on the blog, but so many of you have asked me to share the secrets of my “wedding weight loss” success, that I really thought I ought to get round to it.  With some scary “before” and not so scary “after” wedding diet pictures, here we go…



Before Wedding Diet After Wedding Diet

Check me out!  What a difference!



Like most girls, moving in with my hubby to be had caused me to pile on a few pounds here and there.  I am tall, and carry extra weight well, but I couldn’t ignore the fact that my tummy was far too flabby for my leaner frame.  After being on the skinny side for most of my life (ahem! despite a brief slip at University), I was now feeling more like skinny FAT.  To me – a typical “apple” shape – this meant skinny legs and arms lacking definition, plus a lardy middle.  Not a lovely sight.


Here I am in my brand new exercise clothes, 6 months before my wedding… (eeks!)  Excuse the iphone pictures, I wasn’t quite yet a blogger back then…



Before Wedding Diet



Before Wedding Diet



Before: skinny fat, with little muscle tone, a flabby tummy, and a concerned expression on my face…



Before Wedding Diet



I decided to take action. 6 months before my wedding, it was time to trim down.  Plus, the bikini part of our honeymoon would be in Las Vegas and LA.  Who wants to feel bad in a bikini when there are Playboy bunnies hanging out by the pool?


Women’s magazines and the internet are full of fad diets and get skinny quick tips.  I have read, tried and failed at almost all of them.  It’s a cliche, but it’s true.  How can a normal working woman survive on cayenne pepper, lemon juice and water for two weeks?


A personal trainer would have been a great plan…if only I could afford it!


The first thing I did – and I believe that this is the key to wedding diet success – I got REAL.


I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stick to running on a treadmill for two hours a day, lettuce and fizzy water. I knew that I wasn’t going to end up looking like a Victoria’s Secret Model (although I was going to try to get as close as I possibly could!).


What I did know (armed with plenty of actually useful knowledge from all those women’s magazines and the internet) was that being good with food choices 80% of the time, eating a bit less and exercising quite a bit more (than not at all) should work.  And guess what… it’s not rocket science!



After Wedding Diet



After: Here I am five or six months later – flab gone, lots more muscle tone, and grinning from ear to ear!



After Wedding Diet



Beware! I am not a registered dietician, fitness expert or healthy living guru (and please consult your doctor before beginning any sort of exercise regime!) but this is simply what worked for me.  Give it a go…!


Let’s see those before and after shots again…



Before Wedding Diet After Wedding Diet




So here is what I did…


Exercise (and it was mostly exercise that did it!)


The most important thing is to GET MOVING.  I would normally say: pick an exercise you love, yadah yadah – but that’s fine for the long term girls, but not when you have a wedding deadline looming!  Plus if I picked an exercise I loved I would need to live in the Alps.


What I find works best, and I don’t think I am alone here, is to pull on your trainers (proper ones mind you – we don’t want any injuries) and get out there and go running.  I never said it would be easy – but I do think it will work! I have to be the slowest runner of all time and I hate it with a vengeance.  But I love the results.


I headed outdoors to run, as it was more interesting and it was spring/ summer. What I would say though, is only ever run in a safe place when it is light outside.  If possible, take a likeminded friend with you.  What are fiances or maid of honours for?!  However as I can be a bit of a b***h when I run (due to the hating it with a vengeance part) and alienating the hubby would have defeated the object, I went solo, but ditched the headphones so I was alert and only ran in public places.


What I did was set a course that I knew would take me about 30 – 40 minutes to run if I were *run* the whole way.  Then I covered that distance about 4 times a week.  Sometimes I ran it, sometimes I jogged, sometimes I walked most of the way.  I always got round though, and I always stuck to it.




– Go running

– 3 or 4 x per week – schedule it in like a meeting you wouldn’t miss.

– Cover the distance planned, no matter how long it takes.

– Make yourself accountable – keep a diary or, better still (!) blog about it for the world to see!


You might also want to add some weights.  The jury is still out on whether lifting big and less reps, or light and more reps is best.  I was confused, so I just did a few bicep curls now and again.  The running seemed to melt the arm flab in any case.


A diet that’s right…


Just make healthier choices in smaller portions.  You know a bag of crisps or a chocolate bar is worse for you than an apple. Use your head woman!




– Eat stuff that grows from the ground or falls from the trees and lots of it, to fill you up.

– Protein, protein, protein.  And make it lean.

– Avoid “white” carbs like bread, sugar, white rice, potato crisps.

– Cut back on Mr Pinot and Mr Grigio.

– Don’t use food as a reward – plan other treats…I am sure you can think of some!

– Keep your portions reasonable.  I try fill half my plate with salad or greens.

– Drink lots of water.


And a bit of diddly dum…


You are only human.  Who cares if you miss a day or slip up?!  Remember the 80% rule – you can be as bad as you like 20% of the time.  Don’t be a diet bore. Enjoy your engagement, and love the skin you are in!



David Lawson Studios

Looking trim in my wedding dress with my parents! Photograph by David Lawson Studios 



Honeymoon And on our Honeymoon (not a Playboy bunny in sight!  I was almost disappointed!)



After spending all winter at my computer building Brides Up North, I think it may be time to follow some of my own advice…


I hope this helps someone!  Any questions at all, feel free to comment below or drop me a line.  If you want to share your own success stories, let me know!


Julia x



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