#JoinTheNorthernRevolution… Our Brand New Brides Up North Facebook Group Is GO!
I might have mentioned it a few times have total mentionitis about our brand new website look, which I promise should be launching on these pretty pages shortly. I’m hard Continue Reading
Like Me, Like Me, Like Me! Find Brides Up North On Facebook
. I’m off beautifying myself and double checking scripts today, in preparation to host the first ever North of England Wedding Awards. I am sure that I will be reporting Continue Reading
Facebook Lovin’: Share Your Proposal Story & WIN a Mini Break with Bride & Groom Direct
. Friend of the blog Bride & Groom Direct – purveyors of stationery and accessories weddingy and wonderful- got in touch this week to ask Brides Up North to spread Continue Reading
Let’s Get Connected?
. Did you know that you can also follow Brides Up North on Facebook and Twitter for all the latest posts, news, views and more in real time? . . Continue Reading