christmas eve, eve…
image source* Its Christmas eve, eve in the Brides Up North office and our inboxes – usually pinging constantly – have gone very, very quiet. It’s no server error… it’s Continue Reading
Just For Fun
tinsel time. julia’s christmas picks
There’s absolutely no doubt about it that the big day is drawing near – cue an afternoon spent dashing round the shops like a headless chicken, toddler in tow, as Continue Reading
now we are 4.
Can you believe our pretty little corner of the internet turns 4 years old this week?! I hope you’ll join me in a glass of something fizzy as we say Continue Reading
Ready For my Close Up.
Jenny Packham, Suzanne Neville, Maggie Sottero, Anoushka G, Claire Pettibone… I think I’ve died and gone to wedding dress heaven. Brides Up North HQ is currently full of tulle and Continue Reading
Wishing You An Eggcellent Easter, Love Brides Up North
Never work with children or (fake) animals. You have no idea just how long it took me to style these little Easter chicks. I fashioned a teeny-tiny veil and eventually Continue Reading
In The Press: Brides Up North In Wedding Magazine – Wedding Blog Awards 2013
If you’re a regular reader of Brides Up North, you’ll know that last autumn I was thrilled to be a recipient of a Wedding Blog Award from the lovely people Continue Reading
Life Thru A Lens: Behind The Blog In March 2014
Things always seem to go at about a trillion miles an hour here at Brides Up North HQ, so sometimes it’s fun (and mid wedding exhibition season seems as good Continue Reading
Happy Birthday Annabella Robyn!
Usually you can set your watch by our twice week day features, but if you’re a regular reader of Brides Up North you’ll have noticed that our blogging schedule has Continue Reading
Hey Manchester?! Get Ready. Brides Up North Is “Official Blogger” For The North West Wedding Fair!
WHOOP WHOOP! I’ve some very exciting news to impart this Monday afternoon folks! And I’ve been dying to tell you about it for weeks! You see, I’m not very good Continue Reading
Santa Baby…
1 Gift Voucher & Complimentary Consultation at Emmy Shoes 2 Dahlia Glitter Clutch by LK Bennett, £225 3 Arrow Ring by Orelia, £8 4 Lorin Trainers by Kurt Geiger, £130 Continue Reading
Now We Are Three! Happy Birthday Brides Up North!
Well, would you look at that? This little wedding blog is growing up fast! Fire the confetti cannons and wheel in the cake…for today, Brides Up North is three! Happy Continue Reading
Behind The Wedding Blog: Happy Anniversary!
Three years on… now we are three! If you’re of a beady eyed nature, you may have noticed that we were lacking a blog post this morning. Hey, every wedding Continue Reading